The roof is an essential part of a building structure. Improper maintenance, could result in severe, and costly, consequences. This is especially true for buildings with flat roofs. A flat roof isn’t sloped, and is therefore more vulnerable to damage as water and build up can’t easily slide off it.

That’s why practicing proper roof maintenance is essential to mitigating trouble. Below, you’ll find some simple steps to help protect and prolong the lifespan of your flat roof.

1. Inspect Regularly

When the weather changes seasons, take this as a sign that you should inspect your roof. This means, heading up to the roof to complete a full walk around inspection. Ensure to be careful and thorough in your inspection. Missing a small crack, can lead to costly damage, if not treated right away. You will want to look for any holes, tears, or blisters in the roof’s surface. If you notice any, make the necessary repairs immediately.

Be sure to pay close attention to the edges, and corners of the roof. This is a common are for material to becomes loose and should be addressed. If you do not feel comfortable heading up to your roof, simply call a professional roofing contractor for help.

2. Use Protective Paint

Protective paint, is a product designed to help prolong the lifespan of a roof by shielding it from the sun. The ultraviolet rays that a roof is constantly exposed to, can drastically shorten its longevity. Constant sun exposure can weaken the building material, and cause erosion. But, reflective asphalt aluminium paint, can prevent the rays damaging a roof material prematurely. This paint also acts as sealer to the surface of the roof. Meaning, it is designed to help repel water, which is another added measure to protecting your property.

3. Pop the Blisters

During an inspection, if you find a blister on your asphalt roof, you must pop it immediately. A bubble, or blister, on your roof means that moisture has gotten underneath. When moisture gets under the asphalt, it will cause a visible bubble to form on the surface. To resolve this issue, you will need to slit the bubble to release the water. Once dried out, you must refill, and seal the hole. For best results, it is a good idea to call in a professional roofer. A roofer, will be able seal the damage more effectively than an untrained professional, and prevent more from happening.

4. Build Up

If you live in a area affected by heavy snow fall, you should ensure that snow, is removed immediately from the roof. A flat roof is not able to have snow slide off it, which can result in a heavy build up. If left sitting, this can overload the roof, potentially causing it to collapse. Do not try to remove the snow from your roof yourself. This is a dangerous, and potentially deadly task. Call a professional to handle the removal for you.

5. Clean Up

Because a flat roof does not slope, debris is more susceptible to get caught, and remain on it. Especially after the fall, the roof should be regularly checked, and cleared of unwanted items. This includes: garbage, leaves, branches, and debris. As well, check the drainage system for items that may be caught in it. Build- up in a drain can clog it, and prevent it from draining water effectively. If the drains cannot remove the water, pooling can begin to happen. This is where water is left sitting on the roof, until it is evaporated. Sitting water is damaging, and can result in leaks or mold.