Moving day is a very exciting time for most people. But it can also be very stressful. Factors like weather, scheduling, kids, and pets can have a huge impact on how smoothly the process unfolds. However, there are several things you can do to reduce stress and help to make the big day go as planned.
1. Get Plenty of Rest
Try for seven or eight hours of sleep a few days before the move. Your body and brain will be more rested and alert to deal with the hectic activities of the move. If you are having trouble sleeping at night, take a brief cat nap of 20 to 30 minutes in the afternoon.
2. Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated
Not only should you eat a balanced diet on a regular basis, but also plan to have healthy snacks available when the movers arrive. Nutritious fruit, veggies, and cheese chunks with crackers are better than sugary treats and soda, which will drain your energy and fill you with empty calories. Sugar and caffeine can put your nerves on edge, which won’t help as you assist the movers and finalize relocation details.
3. Exercise
Follow your regular exercise routine up to the day of the move. This will help you to stay fit and reduce anxiety so you can deal confidently with everything that must be handled when the moving crew arrives. Exercise can also improve your energy level so you can keep up with all that needs to be done for the move. If you want to learn more, Premiere Van Lines Edmonton is a helpful website with lots of information and resources.
4. Be Organized
Plan ahead and be prepared. Don’t leave anything until the last minute or the day of your move. Having everything packed, marked, and ready to be loaded into the moving van will make your day easier and the crew’s job more efficient.
5. Prearrange Essential Details
Organize and double-check your arrangements for moving day. Make sure the pet kennel is still holding a place for your dog or cat. Check with the babysitter to ensure he or she is still able to keep your toddler during the hectic activities. Contact the utility companies to get the electric, heat, and water turned on at the new place before the move.
Relocating to a new home or office can be stressful. Plan ahead with tips like these to avoid some of the pitfalls that sometimes accompany a move. A little extra effort before moving day can lead to a smoother moving event for everyone involved.