Walk-in clinics is a term for medical practitioners who provide a variety of services to citizens, who need medical attention, but do not have an appointment. These walk-in clinics can be free/community health care clinics, urgent care clinics or retail clinics. Here are some of the reasons for why walk-in clinics are filling the gap for many Canadians:

1. Professional Practitioners

When Canadians are using a walk-in clinic, they are being seen by medically trained and licenced practitioners. These practitioners are not less qualified, because they are working in a walk-in clinic. These practitioners have made the decision to support the many Canadians, who do not have a permanent family doctor, nor do they want to go to a hospital emergency room.

Moreover, these medical practitioners are still able to refer patients to specialists if the medical concern warrants a specialist’s assessment. These medically trained and licenced practitioners are filling the medical gap for many Canadians.

2. Convenience

In this everchanging world the one thing that has not changed is the convenience of a walk-in clinic. Unlike most family doctors, most walk-in clinics are open over the weekend. And unlike most family doctors, most walk-in clinics do not need an appointment prior to coming in. All that most walk-in clinics request is that patients are aware that they will not be seen if they come in less than half an hour before closing time. This ease of service enables most working Canadians to keep their precarious employment secure, as they are attending to their medical care.

Not only are walk-in clinics open over the weekends and do not need an appointment, walk-in clinics tend to be quick in their service time with patients. It is because these walk-in clinics are so convenient that they are filling the medical gap for many Canadians.

3. Insurance Coverage

Contrary to popular belief, walk-in clinic visits are covered by Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) and Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. Minor injuries, ailments, fractures, and skin breaks can all be treated at a walk-in clinic. In Ontario, patients who go to a walk-in clinic are required to bring his or her health card. This is because these walk-in clinics are covered by provincial medical plans that they are filling the medical gap for many Canadians.

4. Services Offered

Walk-in clinics offer more to Ontario citizens, than assessments by medical practitioners; walk-in clinics can prescribe new prescriptions, as well as renew older prescriptions. They can also give referrals to medical specialists. It is this ability to provide a variety of services that these walk-in clinics are filling the medical gap for many Canadians.

5. Professionalism

Medical practitioners have a unique social contract with the rest of society. We depend on them to be professionals, even when we are at our most vulnerable and challenging circumstances. This medical professionalism is in walk-in clinic practitioners. They believe in providing the best medical assessments and services to their patients, regardless of who they are. They are committed in providing medical care to Canadians, who for whatever reason, do not have a family doctor or want to go to an emergency room for care. It is because of their medical professionalism that the medical gap for many Canadians are being filled by these walk-in clinics.