Used for a variety of human resource management purposes, the predictive index is a theory-based, self-report measurement of normal, adult, work-related personality that was developed and validated for use within occupational and organizational populations.
This wonderful tool can help with all sorts of important decisions within a company or organization, including employee selection, executive on-boarding, leadership development, succession planning performance coaching, team-building, and organisational culture change.
At its most fundamental, the predictive index is about helping employers better understand the people that work for them, so they can appreciate the unique strengths and characteristics of each person. This process naturally leads to increased employee engagement and productivity, while helping prevent issues with high staff turnover. The predictive index works by measuring several primary personality constructs.
1. Dominance
A very important part of what the predictive index can tell you about a person, is how important it is for them to be dominant in their environment. This essentially tells you how much control they like to have and whether or not they tend to be very independent and assertive. Although it can also be seen as an indication of self-confidence, it is also worth noting that those who score lower here can often have useful traits such as being very cooperative and accommodating.
2. Extroversion
This aspect of the assessment can provide real insight, because although some people are perceived by those around them to be of a highly extroverted disposition, they may in fact be introverts at heart. The predictive index will help make this clear and will demonstrate the degree to which an individual seeks social interaction with other people. This can go a long way in determining who works better in a solitary, task-oriented role, and who will thrive in a setting where they can show off their social skills and be a persuasive negotiator.
3. Patience
Measuring an employee’s level of patience will tell you about whether or not they seek a high degree of consistency and stability, or whether they are able to deal with a lot of change and variety in their environment. A high score in this department generally means that an individual makes decisions which are both consistent and deliberate. On the other hand, someone with a lower score is luckily to operate with more urgency and intensity.
4. Formality
From this category you will learn about the degree to which a person is motivated to adhere to formal rules and structure. An individual who scores high here will appreciate having a lot of rules and structure in place and will less likely to deviate from the established way of doing things. A lower formality, on the other hand, indicates that the person is more comfortable in a casual situation where they are free to express themselves in an open and uninhibited way.
5. Decision-making and response level
Putting these previous four categories together, the predictive index also tells you something about a person’s decision-making habits and response levels. In terms of decision-making, you can assess how an individual processes information and uses it to make decision. A high score here demonstrates the dominance of objectivity and logic in the process, whereas a low score shows an inclination to make decisions based on feelings and emotions.
Response level, on the other hand, tells you about their overall responsiveness to the environment they inhabit. This will provide insight into what you can expect when it comes to energy levels and stamina. A person who scores high in this area can be expected to perform at a high-level of intensity over an extended period of time.