As an aspiring dental hygienist, you are certainly interested in learning anything you can about this gratifying job, and about different dental hygiene continuing education opportunities.
Have you ever wondered what dental hygienists can do to help their patients feel more at ease? Here are 8 examples.
1. They ask new patients about their special needs
When dental hygienists meet new patients, they ask them about their special needs. For example, some patients have very sensitive teeth, while others are not able to sit comfortably for more than a few minutes. Dental hygienists need to know what they can do to help their patients.
2. They ask them about their previous experiences
Dental hygienists can also ask their new patients about their previous dental experiences. If a patient has had bad experiences while visiting a dentist in the past, it’s up to the dental hygienist to learn what they are afraid of, and to help them feel at ease.
3. They look confident
Dental hygienists can help their patients feel more at ease by exuding confidence and professionalism. They need to stand straight, without slumping. If a dental hygienist looked nervous, their patients would notice it and they would start feeling nervous as well.
4. They pay attention to the body language of their patients
It’s no secret that being a dental hygienist is a people-oriented job. Courses and dental hygiene continuing education can teach you a lot, but you also need to genuinely care about your patients. Paying attention to their body language will tell you if they are feeling comfortable or not.
5. They smile and maintain eye contact
It’s important for dental hygienists to offer genuine smiles to their patients, and to always make eye contact when they are speaking to them and listening to them. Paying attention to the body language of patients is important, but dental hygienists need to pay attention to their own body language as well.
6. They make sure their patients are comfortable
Dental hygienists should make sure their patients are comfortable when they sit in the dentist chair, and that the temperature of the room is not too hot, and not too cold. The right temperature and a comfortable chair can help patients relax even if they are anxious about visiting the dentist.
7. They stay calm and in control
Patients need to know that their dental hygienist is calm and in control. Once again, you must appear confident when you are with a patient, and even if you just got started with your career, you have to relax to not let your patients notice that you are nervous.
8. They use the right tools
Using the right tools can make a big difference for patients. Dental hygienists want to use the right type of anesthesia when their patients need it, and they will look for tools and products that can make procedures more efficient and less painful.