Obviously riding a motorcycle is different than riding a bicycle or driving a car. You are travelling at dramatically higher speeds than what is possible on a bicycle and you are not protected from the weather elements or impacts that occur in an accident like you would be in a vehicle.
As a result, there are certain pieces of motorcycle gear that every motorcyclist should consistently have when they are riding their bike with some that could very well be the difference that allows you to avoid serious injury or even death.
1. Helmet
Of course you will wear a helmet when you ride you your motorcycle because it is the law in Canada but you need to wear one that will protect you. You are legally required to wear a helmet that is approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT), Snell, or the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE). This will guarantee that the helmet you are wearing has been tested to make sure it is safe in collisions. While modular helmets are legal to wear, they only cover half or three-quarters of your face. Because approximately 45 percent of accidents involving motorcycles involve injuries to the face, a helmet that has a full-face protection is recommended. These full-face helmets will also protect you against bugs and wind. Buying a used motorcycle helmet should be avoided as they could have been in an accident and show no external damage. These helmets may not be able to protect you as effectively as a new helmet will.
2. Gloves
When people fall it is the hands that usually hit the ground first as it is a natural reaction to use them to avoid serious injuries. For this reason, a good pair of gloves should be worn every time you ride your motorcycle. Gloves are available in many different materials and finishes but the ones you wear should be abrasion-resistant as you could do serious damage to your hands if you fall off your bike especially if you are going at a higher speed on a highway or rural road. They should also be flexible, allowing for the dexterity you need to operate your motorcycle safely. Your gloves should be weather-resistant and comfortable enough to wear in all climates. If they are not, consider different pairs of gloves for different types of weather or else you will not wear them consistently. Confirm that the gloves you wear are tight and have a strap that you can tighten around your wrist. You will definitely injure your hands if you are in an accident if your gloves are not tight because they will end up flying off.
3. Jacket
Not only do motorcycle jackets look awesome, one just may save your life. Your jacket covers vital internal organs that include your heart, kidneys, and liver as well as your back, arms, and ribs. While you may end up still injuring these parts of your body in a collision, a good motorcycle jacket will minimize the damages sustained. Jackets typically come in two categories: leather and high-textile. Both are high-abrasion materials that will keep your body safe in an accident and because they are so strong they are not susceptible to bursting. Whichever jacket you choose, it should be weather-resistant and well-ventilated. Motorcycle jackets can also be purchased that come with multiple layers allowing you to add them during cooler months and remove them on hotter days. If you ride your motorcycle more after sundown, jackets with reflectors and bright stripes should be considered to increase the chances of you being more visible.